How to Solve 7 WordPress Challenges as an SEO Expert

SEO text with young woman holding a speech bubble

SEO is hard and often people make mistakes in it. There are a few challenges when SEO professionals handle WordPress. These factors boost your ranking, but can be a challenge for most people. An expert SEO firm in San Diego county have shared the top 6 WordPress SEO challenges and how you can solve them.

1. Finding the Right Theme

Most of the people want their WordPress theme to be unique and creative. Everyone wants to pick a fascinating style and design as their theme. Don’t use common or premium themes and try to look distinctive than others. If you are using complex WordPress themes, then it will take more time for your website to upload. The speed of your website is the single most important factor when it comes to SEO.

2. The Plugin Game

If you overuse WordPress plugins, then the website becomes heavy and slow. Which is a problem in itself? Plugins are great for your website. It is necessary to pick and choose the right type of plugins to increase your website ranking. Many WordPress hosts don’t allow any website which is using more resources.

3. The Sitemap Issue

You need to install SEO plugins even if you are a beginner website using WordPress. Most of the plugins have the option of Sitemaps. You can have a firm grip on your website by creating many Sitemaps using extra plugins. Don’t forget to submit those Sitemaps on Google Search Console. If you forget or fail to submit Sitemaps, then you won’t appear anywhere. Despite using customized plugins, submitting Sitemaps is mandatory.

4. Link Stuffing Went Wrong

Adding links to your website can work wonders for you. You can find WordPress themes that come with pre-set links which can help you to a great extent. But, adding several links can distract the users and doesn’t look appealing. Use 20 links or less on your website. Make sure you publish relevant content on your website which benefits your customers. It can help improve your website ranking.

5. Schema Went Wrong

Schema markup helps Google and other search engines to understand your website. If your website is relevant, then Google will show your Name, Address, and Phone. Google algorithms will decide whether your site is best for its users or not. It can help Google to understand about your business and relevancy. This can boost your traffic and visibility. If you screw it up, then your website ranking will go downhill.

6. Underestimating ALT Text for Images

Often SEO experts overlook visuals and work only on optimizing text content. This is one of the biggest mistakes. Every picture on your website must have a proper name and description. It helps to lift up your website ranking and accessibility. Try to add relevant names for images and descriptions for each one of them.

7. Ignoring H1 Tags

Duplicate content on your website hurts you in the long run, but won’t affect when you are still growing. If you are using the same H1 tags, then it will alert the search engines. It poses a question to the relevancy of your website. Share fresh and unique content on your website every time. Don’t overuse keywords in your meta tags because Google will identify it.

We are a reputable SEO agency in San Diego helping online businesses reach their target. We make effective marketing strategies for startups and business owners to increase conversions.


How to Expand Your Business in 5 Remarkable Ways

San diego seoExpanding your business means more conversion and sales. But, expansion is not easy, especially when you are a brick and mortar business. Every business has a different way of expanding in an effective way. An expert San Diego SEO company has discussed their views when it comes to expanding your business.

1. Determine the Impact of Expansion on Your Business

If you want to expand your business, then don’t overlook your current operations. Make your business stronger and sustainable in the brand new market. Figure out how the expansion brings an impact on your business. Write down the ways it will change your current business. There are a few important things to look out for when it comes to expanding your business. Employees have to spend their time and effort to flourish in new business. You need extra energy and resources to skyrocket in the new market.

2. Decide the Expansion Route That You’ll Take

The definition of expansion differs for every business. Expansion may mean new products, services, or moving into a different location. Market your product or services to new and different audiences. It is easy to sell products to a new client instead of making a creating something from scratch. For instance, if your audience was women, then target a male demographic to see how things turn out. Make sure the product is valuable to the new target audience.

3. Influence The Customers To Buy Your Product

You control the tone of your customer service and price, so make sure it’s well-handled. Experiment with a new product to your existing customers. If you are looking to diversify, then market your new products in the same city. It is one of the crucial steps when it comes to expanding your business. Figure out whether the new products will make your customers excited. You need to brainstorm a bit to make this strategy effective. A survey can give you a clearer picture, whether your customers like the new product or not.

4. Move to a New Location

If you run an online business, then the location doesn’t matter much. There are two ways you can move your business ventures, either move your company or build a new branch. This is one of the most difficult strategies. There are several things you need to watch out for and the risk grows larger. But, moving to a new location is reasonable. You can get in touch with the best talent of that particular region in this way.

5. Explore a New Vertical Market

Entering into a vertical market is tough. You are designating your products or services to a specific industry. If you want to operate in a new segment, then it comes down to the impact it can have on your business. You will be entering into a new territory with no guarantee of a specific ROI. For instance, if you are a fitness industry, then exploring fashion can be a demanding task.

You need the best SEO services if you want to boost conversions as an internet marketing company. San Diego businesses can get in touch with Saba SEO to boost their online traffic or sales.

How to Enhance the Online Visibility with Google’s Mobile First Index

Google was perfectly aware of the growing dependence of tablet PCs and smartphones even before mobile usage in 2014. The biggest search engines such as Google have fully optimized smartphone based searching by using mobile-first index which was first started and implemented in 2018. Google is now considering every website and ranking it based on its responsiveness which have led to a few increasing problems. By using accurate SEO tactics, it is easier to keep Google and smartphone searches happy. In San Diego, SEO agency can be able to provide help boost your online ranking and make the website more popular.

Imitate the Desktop Site

Google suggest new websites to make the opening link more responsive and quick that can be perfectly adjusted to whichever screen the users opening it on. Ensure the content created and shared are identical, even if you are making a different website for mobile phones. Correct data markups with mobile URLs should be mentioned for mobile websites with switchboard tags. The same metadata should be used for the desktop website and mobile phone site as well as a reliable server which can easily manage a crawl rate.

Benefit from Expandable Content

For desktop ranking, Google doesn’t exert too much pressure on hidden content in tabs, accordions, and expandable boxes. When using a mobile device, Google can easily consider hidden content for its various ranking purposes.

Consider Voice Searching

You should be grateful to the growing usage of virtual assistants such as Google Assistant, the voice searches can soon be regarded as the massive part of every online search. Many people prefer to search something using voice-activated apps when they are handling different types of smartphone devices. When it comes to SEO, voice searches can indicate a paradigm shift to somewhat conversational keyword options and other location based phrasing like “near a specific location”.

Make a Mobile App

To take full-benefit of Google’s mobile first-index, it is best for you to design a user-friendly mobile app for your online business. Creating an amazing mobile app can be helpful in catapulting user experience because more people are using and downloading apps rather than websites. An amazing and well-designed app can enhance the local SEO because it includes setting particulars for your users, location-based content, or daily notifications to keep the users encourages.

Check How Google Is Handling Your Mobile Site

After successfully submitting your mobile site, use the effective Render tool and Google’s Search Console Fetch. This type of tool will tell you how Google considers and ranks the mobile site when it comes to mobile-first ranking purposes. The best way is to deploy the Fetch and Render Tool to tell if any of the content is missing out.

If you require a well-designed and responsive website for your business, it is better to consult a reliable SEO company in your nearby area. For reliable strategy in SEO, San Diego businesses should consult one of the leading experts in SEO and content specialists to enhance brand name and online presence.


Different Mistakes Brands Makes Which Impacts SEO

There are many different emerging brands which can directly affect the SEO strategies and entice the attention of different searchers and take pleasure in a constant flow of conversions. But, it might take a lot of effort to boost the return on major online marketing investments as well as enhance the much-needed search engine ranking. It is best for you to get in touch with a reliable SEO company in San Diego and target some of the common blunders which directly affect the online visibility of different emerging brands.

Continue reading “Different Mistakes Brands Makes Which Impacts SEO”

6 Internet Marketing Mistakes to Watch Out for

You can spend several hours writing amazing blog posts, driving quality traffic to your websites and connecting with influencers- only to achieve zero results. Now that online marketing has become common, it’s no wonder why many businesses make any (or all) of the following mistakes that make them lose out on important customers and deals.

No Focus on Customers

Remember the age-old marketing tagline “customers come first San Diego SEO ”? When it comes to internet marketing, your customers are the true kings and queens. CEO once said that if you make one customer unhappy on the internet, they can spread the word to 6000 friends! Bad customer reviews spread like forest fire and can tarnish your reputation forever. This is why making customers angry is a terrible idea if you’re using internet as a marketing tool for your business.

Ignoring Social Media

Today, people assess brand value through social media following. If you don’t have enough fans and followers, you’re no good to anyone. Successful brands and businesses rely on social media automation. The technique doesn’t make your posts less valuable. It only ensures that you’re communicating with your target audience on a consistent basis.

Ignoring Content Marketing

When it comes to content writing, professional writers focus on quality writing, relevancy, titles, keywords, ideas and value propositions. And this is where they go wrong. There’s no focus on the “marketing” aspect of content marketing. Experts advise that you should spend 50% of your time writing a blog and 50% of time marketing it.

Overbearing Blogs

Consider this: your readers are the ever-impatient millennials who just want to get to the bottom of things without wasting too much time. You have two options- either write a 5000-word blog post for them or a short 500-1000 word guide with a strong call to action. What would you write and why?

While long posts get you the SEO ranking you probably deserve, short blogs fare well with your readers. So instead of writing long and overbearing blog posts, you should consider writing short, concise and to-the-point blogs. The exact length of each blog will depend on your target market and the average time they spend reading your posts.

Stress on Acquisition

Generating leads and expanding customer base are the two dreams all business owners can ever dream of. Like all fancy things in life, acquisition is impressive and costly. On an average, customer acquisition costs your business at least 7 times more than retention.

Many businesses fail because they can no longer keep their loyal customers happy. As a result, they keep losing out on their old customers and invest more time and energies in acquiring new ones, without any luck.

No Conversion Funnel

Conversion funnels are helpful in relationship management. If your business does not have one, you’ll lose customers unlike anything else. Attracting customers and driving traffic through relevant content is the first step towards creating a conversion funnel. The key is to use this funnel to retain some of your old customers, as well as acquire new customers and leads.

5 Tips to Improve Content Quality with Google Fred Update

Tips to Improve Content Quality with Google Fred Update 2017

Google has always been silent about the changes it makes to the algorithm. However, the updates launched in March 2017 were certainly enough for some website owners and modern advertising firms to get immense variations in traffic and rankings. The new Fred update is released to typically target sites with low quality backlinks and content. Normally, these two constraints go together but sites that have used San Diego SEO services have rapidly assembled low quality backlinks and affected the content.

There has been a pronouncement by Google over the Fred algorithm. The main piece of information provided to website owners was the Fred is centered to sites not complying with the website admin rules. In view of investigation, it was comprehended that sites with low-quality content and backlinks intended to generate income have been the most harmed due to this update.

San Diego SEO professionals suggest these 5 things to do whether you are influenced and begin to recover and improve any lost rankings and traffic.

Have a Detailed Check Done for Your Website

If you don’t see a drop in the traffic or quantity of keywords you were positioning between March 5th and 20th, you are most probably fine, but if you do, continue reading below.

Categorize Your Content

Divide the content of your website in two different columns and categorize with regularly updated and high quality versus old and low quality.

Match the Keywords

Make sure to match your keywords if you observe any variations in the incoming traffic of your site or the site ranking due to the presence of low quality content.

Improvise Your Content Quality

Start by making better your low quality pages with reworking and enhancing the content. Begin with the pages which were getting the maximum traffic before Fred.

Use a backlinking Spam Device

Make use of a backlinking spam checker or device to know and evaluate any deteriorated backlinks. Moreover, make sure that you are placing good backlinks in appropriate and sensible proportions.

Fred Algorithm Update Changes and Concerns

Basically, if Fred finds your content as irrelevant, obsolete, or too promotion overwhelming, you will find a drop in rankings.

Another factor is the low quality backlinks. In an event that at any point you have paid for poor quality or simple to spot counterfeit backlinks, Fred may also affect them by dropping the rankings. Sites with a considerable number of old and outdated content likewise contain a ton of old backlinks. As low quality backlinks and content frequently go as an indivisible unit, this association makes it difficult to figure out which, if not, both variables are driving variations in rankings.

These updates can normally be understood but if you are getting overwhelmed, consider having a professional by your side. Reliable San Diego SEO services offer affordable website optimization so it can worth your investment for future revenue.


5 Infuriating Signs that Your SEO is in Bad Hands

Seo San Diego

When you’re searching for the best San Diego SEO company, you’re likely to come across several digital marketing firms claiming to be “experts”. Whether you’re new to SEO or you’re an expert yourself looking for some advice, here are the 5 infuriating signs that you’re looking at the wrong SEO firm.


If there is one thing all experts agree on is that search engine rankings are complex. The algorithm is updated almost every year. Crawlers and bots screen and re-screen online content to assign and re-assign index. What you may see on the first search result page may disappear from it the next time.

This implies that if your SEO Company offers a guaranteed first page ranking, it’s a red flag. Real experts never offer such guarantees. SEO businesses may have a proven track record of success, but that should not be taken as a guarantee. (P.S. Google has no friends!)


Link building is one of the most useful tools for improving search engine ranking. However, if your links start showing up on all weird places in your content, then there is definitely something wrong with your SEO advisors.

Web analytics tool (such as Google Webmaster) can easily flag any unauthorized content that involves your business name used as a keyword. The tool will also allow you to check out which web domains are trying to link with you.

Past Results

A shady SEO business will absolutely refuse to share its results with prospective clients. At the end of the day, nobody wants to associate with a business that does not show its achievements, successes and top clients in the past.

Sometimes, an SEO company may not showcase its previous success stories because it is newly incorporated. In this case, it is important to discuss their working process and establish their owners’ credentials before hiring them.


Modern SEO firms act more than just search engine advisors. They offer complete and comprehensive internet marketing packages- right from content creation to social media management. The goal of any SEO business is to help their clients benefit from a wide range of online marketing strategies.

When hiring a new SEO company, make sure to discuss all relevant details with them. A business that offers SERP as its only service is a terrible choice to consider. The ideal business goals of an SEO firm should be to expand your global outreach through a combination of marketing strategies, not just keyword search and SERP results.


Whenever you come across sentences somewhat similar to, “with our unique approach to SEO, your business will see a substantial increase in its ranking”, make sure to ask them what exactly their unique approach is.

If the SEO experts offer vague explanations or use a lot of jargons, ask them to clarify. If they still don’t make any sense, then you probably need to look elsewhere for help. In today’s world, everything is available on the internet. No single SEO firm can claim to have a unique propriety process that guarantees instant results.


5 Facebook Ads Tips to Best Target Your Ideal Audience

Internet marketing company san diego

Facebook is probably the best online social media platform in the world right now, especially if you are running an online business, offering products and services to a target group or large audience. If you want to succeed, you must know that Facebook ads cannot be launched randomly or without a plan. You must know the essentials of reaching out to your target audience and persuade them to show interest to click on your ad and consume your content. San Diego SEO experts share some interesting strategies that you can bet on for targeting your Facebook ads to the right audience.

  1. Target Audience Bases on Demographics

Facebook has formed a strategic alliance in 2013 with data collection giants like Epsilon and Datalogix to gather all kinds of data. With different demographic options on the ad targeting section on your ad, you can use the large collection of data to direct the ideal target or even exclude the people you don’t want on your site by using the same data. You have the options to target audience by age, income group, ethnicity that can be narrowed down to even liquid assets and net worth.

You can even find whether your target audience is a homeowner-single, first time, or multiple, and job seekers, or already landed a job. You can search any category as per your requirement.

  1. Target by Interest

This is another important factor that is used for advertisements. Data can be gained from the pages your audience, like the content they search for, and the apps they use. It is always best to avoid targeting too broad audience group, combine multiple factors to create a unique ad targeting strategy.

  1. Target by Psychographics

If you can get the psychographic data of your target audience, it may seem that you can read their minds. You can find the particular time they log on to Facebook, particular days of the month or week they hang out with friends, travel patterns, items they mostly spend money on, particular time of the month when they spend more, the fashion magazines they read, the fashion portals they most often check, and whether or not they use multiple channels for shopping. You can find anything about them you want.

  1. Target by Location

From which location of the world you want to target audience or from where in the world people want your products and services. You can divide the market based on the socioeconomic classification that directly depends on the location factor. Whether it’s an upscale location, a quiet neighborhood, a well-to-do Gen X population, or just a colony of immigrants with lower income, you can search any category. You can also make a small radius around your business epicenter to target only who reside within that radius or are passing through the location.

  1. Target Based on Life Events

There are companies whose business revolves around a particular event or occasion happening in a person’s life, like marriage, graduation or house warming parties, and much more. There are professionals who can create ads after getting insights on the nature, date, and plan of the event of their audience.

Follow these tips to run a successful ad campaign on Facebook or can also consider turning to the professionals of internet marketing company, San Diego business owners trust for their online means and boost your traffic and audience to increase your business.

4 Simple Social Media Business Tips to Get Effective Results

search engine optimization san diego

Social Media is quite amazing and obligatory for all the small as well as large businesses. As in present time, if you do not use social media for your business, you may not be considered or get the importance your business needs. Therefore, it is important to make your position in the market. However, to get the outcomes of your efforts, it is important to do it right. To make your business get noticed and effective results, experts of Search Engine Optimization San Diego share some great tips for your strategy.

Get Awesome and Effective Results with These Simple Tips

  1. Choose the Right Platform

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Tumbler and the wide world of internet has many other social media platforms from which you can choose the best for your business. Finding the best for your business is necessary to give your online journey a kick-start. Therefore, do an extensive research and make your position on the platform where you can find the audience interested in your products and services.

  1. Respond Quickly

If you think that social media is a one night campaign, so this may not your cup of tea. You have to make continuous efforts to make and maintain your position. The customer engagement is extremely important to gain success. So, you must respond to all their queries as soon as possible, or else, they will feel ignored and leave your page immediately. To gain success in the strategy, you must give your customers priority and respond quickly.

  1. Do Not Ignore Negative Comments

In any case, if you customers leave a negative comment on your social media page, instead of just ignoring it, make sure to handle them politely and professionally. It will definitely sort out things and misunderstandings, and also build a good customer relationship. This will also prevent creating any wrong image to another person who is reading the same. To hit the strategy, you have to hit the strategy.

  1. Respect the Peak Time

Every social media platform has a peak time when the majority of users are active on them. You must take this factor into consideration. If you post at the right time on the right platform, it will certainly give you results. Therefore, timing matters a lot in a successful strategy, so you should never take it lightly or entirely ignore the importance.


All social media platforms provide you with the opportunity to bridge the gap and build a good relationship with customers. Your job is to make constant efforts to make your brand get considered and trusted. These simple tips will help you build and follow a strong strategy. If you are unable to do it yourself, you can always ask for professional assistance from a well reputed Search Engine Optimization San Diego company to give your business a boost. The process takes time and requires your full dedication to succeed.

4 Effective Inbound Marketing Approaches to Promote Businesses


At the present time, every brand can be found on almost every possible platform of the internet. For promoting the brands, the marketing companies choose different ways to promote their service or product online.

Professionals of SEO in San Diego explain inbound marketing as the process of attracting the attention of prospects by content creation, even before they are ready to buy. This is one of the best, easy, and cost-effective ways to convert random visitors into regular customers and promoters of your business.

Inbound marketing offers information, improves customer experience, and builds the trust of customers by offering information they can value by company sponsored blogs, newsletters, and social media entries. As compared to outbound marketing, inbound marketing reverses the relationship between company and customer. In fact, while outbound marketing pushes the product through many different channels, inbound marketing creates awareness, attract, and helps new customers and holds existing customers with channels like social media, blogs, direct mail etc.

Inbound marketing requires a quite precise procedure to work smoothly that offer marketers a very big competitive benefit compared with outbound marketing. The process consists of four main steps as mentioned below.

  1. Attract Visitors

Attracting the right traffic to your website is the main objective of inbound marketing. SEO, blogging, social media publishing, and some others are the most important tools to attract your targeted audience to your website.

One of the most significant differences between inbound and outbound marketing is the fact that classical marketing bets on those people and inbound marketing bets on that person.

  1. Convert Visitors into Leads

Once the visitors are attracted to your website, next you should attempt to convert those visitors into leads by gaining their email address or contact information.

Through optimized landing pages, forms, and call-to action marketers convert the visitors into qualified leads. Contact information is the most paramount factor in online marketing, therefore, you should give them premium content in exchange, which can include eBooks, infographics, whitepapers, tips sheets, and case studies.

  1. Convert Leads into Customers

Turning the leads into customers can be successful with the help of some particular marketing tools that will make sure you are closing the right lead at the right time.

By call-to-action tool, marketers can create a positive perspective for both the customer and any brand. Creating useful and informative contents and sending them every so often to the prospects you can create a good relation and develop trust by making customers.

  1. Keep the Customers Pleased

Keeping the customers happy is the way of inbound marketing to provide outstanding and entertaining contents to users, whether they are visitors, leads, or existing customers. If you get a new customer, don’t forget the existing and old customers and share content with them to let them know your products and services, and delight them as a partner or thought leader.


If you want to get benefitted by the inbound marketing to boost your business, you can consider joining hands with SEO agency in San Diego. Hiring professional services that offer innovative and unique marketing strategies offer the ideal opening for your business target audience along with the best results.